It is Halloween night and you head out to trick-or-treat. As you approach this house that looks haunted you see a group of jack-o-lanterns on the porch. The closer you get you hear them talking to each other. You over hear one of them telling another that he is going to scare the living daylights out of you. What did he say that he was going to do? Does he scare you or not? Make sure that you use quotation marks in your post. You may need to give the jack-0-lantern a name. I also want to know what you said back to him. Happy Halloween.
Jack asked, "Did you see that goblin approaching?"
"Yeah, I see her," replied Ralph. "Do you want to scare her?"
"Lets say boo when she comes by us," said Jack.
"Ready," answered Ralph. "One, two, three."
"BOO," they both yelled.
The little goblin ran away crying to his mother.
Marck said,"Let's scare that boy."
Jack said,"What should we do?" Marck whispered,"I know I could grab his leg and hurt him."
Jack said,"Good idea. Shhh! Here he comes."
Then they crept up on the boy and grabed his leg.When the boy felt that he knealt down and grabbed the pumpkin and split it in half and no one was scared by the pumpkin again.
Austin a mean pumpkin said, "Do you hear that 100 year old lady?"
His buddy Kolten said, "Yes I do hear the old lady."
Kolten said, "Lets make her faint with fake blood."
Austin said" Yes,lets do it." They tried but she smashed them with a sledge hammer.
Ty asked, "Should we scare Kolby."
Kolten said,"Yes we should
scare Kolby"So when Kolby came over
to ring the door bell.We used are
vines to grabe his leg and pulled on his leg. His frend Levi ran over with his pocket knife and cut the vines and Kolten and I never saw Hallaween again.They burned out are light and we died.
Tiger asked, "Did you hear that? "
"Yes," said Kolten.
"It was George,"said Tiger.
"When he come near us, lets trip him," said Tiger.
"Ok," said Kolten."And throw candy at him."
"Yes that is a good idea," said Tiger.
"Boo," said Tiger and Kolten.
George went to his mom and said,"I got candy."
"Hey," said Aaran. "How about we scare that person?"
"I suppose." said Kolten. "Should we say BOO!"
In 3,2,1 we did it.
Yea, good thing we didn't get eaten." said Aaran.
"Kolten do you see that vanpire comming?" said George
"I do," said Kolten.
"What do you want to do?" asked George.
"Lets throw fake blood on Austin," said Kolten.
Ready 1 2 3 now we got him right in the face.
Austin screamed very loud. He ran very fast. He went to his big brother. His brother said, "You are crazy."
A pumpkin at a hunted house named Jasper tried to scare me. "But he couldn't so he let me pass. you will never scare me." said Jackson.
"O Jack guess what,''said Crow.
I said, ''What?''
"Do you see that little sun flower coming?" said Crow.
"No I don't,"I said.
"Well look then," ,Crow said.
"Ok fine I will look. O I see her." I said.
"When she comes you will scare her right?" Crow said.
Yes I will scare her. Ready 1,2,3.
"BOO BOO!" we said.
Then the little sun flower ran to her mom.
"Joe, did you hear that thing. She was saying that she was comming here," said Bob!
I know what we can do. "We will scare her," said Joe.
"Lets go pour paint on it!" said Bob.
"You can't scare me you cute little things," said the goblin.
She grabbed Joe and took him home.
"Do you see that ugly goblin coming?" asked Austin.
Jackson said, "I sure do Austin." Lets trip that ugly looking thing." said Austin.
We tripped him. Then he cried to his mommy.
Jacky asked," Do you see that robot caming?" "Yeah,I see her," replied Jack. "Do you whant to scar her," Jack asked. "Yeah," Jacky replied."Then they sead BOOOOW" thay bowth sead. The robot ran to her momy.
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