It is suppose to be spring but the weather sure doesn't seem like it. Do you like the continued cold weather or would you rather see springlike weather? If it was warmer outside what would you be doing in your free time after school and on the weekends? Or would you like it to be cold? What would you do outside if it was still cold out?
I would like spring weather. If it was warmer I would play with my family. I would not like it to be cold. I would play out of the wind.
I wish it was nice out. Because then I could play out side. After school I would play catch with my dogs and play on my trampoline. I do not like it cold and if their was snow on the ground I would play in it.
I would rather see springlike. After school I would be playing with Tommy outside. On the weekends I would play bsketall and play the Wii.
I would rather see the springlike weather so then I could play outside more. After school I would play basketball, baseball, or soccer.On the weekends I would play with my brothers and play swords.NO! I want warm weather. I would go exploring if itwas cold or maybe I would go with Cody and his new 12 Shot and watch wild life because it's fun to watch wild life.
I like spring kind of weather becauseit is warmer. I would jump on my trampoline almost all day. I would have friends spend the night every chance they got to.
Springlike weather because I want it to be really warm. After school when it is warm I would ride my bike or take a walk on the side of the rode with my parents. If it was cold after school then I would play my little brothers wii.
I would like yo have springlike weather. If it was warmer I would be out side playing softball with my friends. when it is recess I would probably be running around playing tag or something. If it was still cold I would probably be in the tunnle with some of my friends.
I am sick and tird of the cold. I just want it to be pring! If it was warm out side I would be down at the creek. If it was still cold I would be in side drinking hot chocolate!!!!
I would like it to be springlike weather. Because I could play outside and work in the garden. I could play with my baby couisn Teagen.
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