We have been studying about matter in Science class. Answer the following questions about matter. What is matter? Name the 3 states of matter, give an example of each states and tell one thing that you know about that state. Use three physical properties to describle a strawberry. Why does oil float when poured into a pot of water?
Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass. Solid--has its own shape example of a solid is ice. Liquid-- takes up the shape of its container. An example of a liquid is water. Gas--takes up the shape of its container. An example of a gas is fog. Plasma-- has its own shape. An example of plasma is stars and lightning.
Matter takes up space and has mass. A solid-brick-has its own shape and the volume stays the same. A liquid-water-has a volume that stays the same but the shape that can change. A gas-air-a gas doesn't have a definite shape or volume. The stawberry is fuzzy, joicey, and is red. Oil floats because it is less dense than water.
Matter takes up space and has mass. A solid-brick-has its own shape and the volume stays the same. A liquid-water-has a volume that stays the same but the shape that can change. A gas-air-a gas doesn't have a definite shape or volume. The stawberry is fuzzy, joicey, and is red. Oil floats because it is less dense than water.
Matter has mass and takes up space. Solid- brick wall, has a definite shape. Liquid- kool-aid takes the shape of it's container. Gas-air few molecules that move around very quickly. A strawberry is red has little seeds sometimes they are sweet or sour. The oil is less dense then the water.
Matter has mass and takes up space. Solid-cement-the atoms are tightly packed. Liquid-water-it takes the shape of the container. Gas-air-the atoms are moving really fast around.The strawberry is red and it is sour and it is rough. The oil floats because the oil has less dence than the water.
Matter takes up space and has mass. The states of matter and examples liquid - water does not have a definite shape,solid - brick has a deffinite shape,and gas - air has no deffinite shape. Physical propeites of a straw berry its red, it taste sweet and it feels sticky. Oil is less dens than water.
Matter is anything that has space and has mass. A solid has its own shape, an example of a solid is a rock. A liquid takes up the shape of its container, a example of a liquid is milk. Gas-- takes up the shape of its container, an example of a gas is steam. A strawberry looks small and red. When you bite into it, it tastes sweet and when you bite it, it has no sound. Oil floats because it is less dense than water.
Matter is anyhing that takes up spaceand has mass. Solid-- takes up the shape of its container. An example of a solid is ice. Liquid-- takes up the shape of its container. An example of a liquid is water. Gas-- takes up the shape of its container. An example of a gas is fog. A strawberry is soft and taste so delicious. Oil floats because its litter than water.
Mattertakes up space and has mass. solids--A brick is a solid because it has it's own shape. gas--Air is a gas because it has no deffinite shape. liquids--Watter is a liquid because it takes the shape of it's container. A strawberry is red with black seeds on the outside, it smells good and it is rough. Oil floats on water because it is lighter than the water.
matter takes up space and has mass.Gas is air and has no definite shape or volume.Liquid has the shape that can change and has matter and volume.Solid is a bus and volume and stays the same.It is red,it has black seeds,and its juicy.Because it has less density.
Matter is something that takes up space. A solid--is a book--its shape stays the same. A liquid--is water--it takes the shape of the container it is in. A gas--is air--it has the shape of the container it fills. A strawberry taste sweet, it feels soft and it smells ripe. Oil floats because it is more dense than water.
Anything that takes up space and has mass is matter. A solid--a brick--the atoms are cramped together. A liquid--milk--the atom move a littler fast, they can move. A gas--breath--it doesn't have a definite shape or volume. A strawberry is red, it feels rough on the out side, and it taste sweet and something sour. Usually it is sweet. Oil is less dense than water.
Matter takes up space and has mass. Oil is les dens then water. Solids liqids and gases are the three states of matter. A pig is a solid. Milk is a liqid. Air is a gas. A solid has its own shape. A liqid takes the shape of its cuntaner. A gas takes its shape of its cuntaner. A strabary is a solid.
hi mrs.hufford how are you? i miss you alot. do you miss all of us? i bet all of us loves you always. :D........jk jk about the happy face i meet to put the sad face. i miss you i wish i was your dauter. that would be alsome!!!!!!! hahahaha.
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