You finished taking state assessments last week. How do you think you did? Is there anything that you wished you would have done regarding the test that you didn't? Do you have any advice to give to next year's third graders about the state assessment tests?
Hey 3rd graders I'm so proud of your effort on the State Assessments. You did very well and have set the bar high for the rest of the school. The hard work and preparation that you put forth paid off in a big way. I can't wait to share your results with your parents at conferences next week. You are EXEMPLARY in my book.
I think I did really good. I wish I would have used my paper more than what I did. My advice is you need to do the best you can do and hope for the best.
I feel relived that State Assessments are over. It feels good to have got it over with. I want to give the next students that are going to go in third grade. here is my advice. It is hard so read carefully and double check your answers. I hope the next classes do good!
I think I did very well.I wish I thought more harder on the reading tests. My advice to next 3rd grade classes is to go to sleep earlier eat a good breakfast and think hard.
I wish I have got an A+. I would tell them to realx.
I think I did pritty good some of the stuff was hard and some was easy. For the next 3rd grade here is some advice get to bed at a good time,eat a good breakfest and do not eat junk.
Wonderful. Multipulcation and use my paper more on math. My advice is the next third graders are going to do good like we did.
I think I did my goul. I payed a little bit more. Don't be nervous it's easy and pay attention in class and you'll do fine.
I think I did really good. The only advice I have is go back and try your best.
I think I did really good! I would like to tell the next third grade class is yo focus on each question and not all at once.
I think I did good. I thing I should tryed a little harder. My advice is bay lots of attention when she teaches you and try your best.
I tryed my best.I didn't use the striker.when they do this I hope they do good.
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