Cody Reed Utz's, a former student of mine visited our classroom this morning to share information about xrays. She is an xray tech at the Holton Community Hospital. Share one thing you learned from her presentation.
Xrays are aball to show a lot of detals in a xray pictures.
Xrays are aball to show a lot of detals in a xray pictures.
I learned that the first xray took 15 minutes.
That if you break a bone they will put a rod where the broken bone broke.
It was a fun experience to learn about x rays. Like when she told us that if someone breaks thier bone they put a rod in it.
We have 206 bones in our body!
I learned that you can breakevery bone in your body.
I learned that there is 206 bones in a person's body!
I learned that there is 206 bones in a person's body!
I learned that the average human body has 206 bones.
I think Cody could be a good medical school teacher, she did a good job teaching us about the xrays. I learned about the body has 206 bones.
It was good because Cody showd us how people broke their bones.
You have to use a xray to see what bone is broke.
I learned that a docter can fix any part of any body.
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