Halloween is today!!! What did you dress up like? Who have you seen that has the best costume? What are you doing at school to celebrate this holiday? Where will you go trick-or-treating tonight? What is your favorite treat to receive? What do you like best about Halloween?
I dressed up in a KU cheeraleder. The best costume is Mrs. Wright's. She is a witch. We're going to the nursing home and we're going to play games. I'm going trick-or-treating tonight. My favoriet candy is gum. I like to dress up.
I dressed up as a Ladybug. The best costume I have seen is Abby's she is a Goast! We are going to sing at the Nursing home and have a treasure hunt and we are going to have a party! I will go trick-or-treating in Horton with my dad. What I like to get as a treat is tootsie rolls! What I like about Halloween is to dress up!
I dressed up like lord thader. I saw colby the best.Sing at the nersing home.In whiting.I git to go trick-or-treating.
I dressed up like a red ied ninja. I have seen Brady,he is a football player and Abby.I down't know what she is.We are going to do a treasure hunt and a party and we are going to a Nursing home and sing.I will go trick-or-treating at my neibors Russ and Sharon Kesler. My favorite treat is Halloween cupcakes.I like getting candy.
I was a Bloody skeleton. I like Judd Nelson i like him because he is a red eyed ninja. Eat candy and go on a fetrip to a nursing home to sing. Everybody in town. i like sucers. getting candy.
I dress up like a bat. Grace Bowhay she dress up like hannah montana. We are going to the nursing home to sing. I'm going to Wetmore to go trick - or - treat. reaces peanut butter cup. I like to eat my candy after going trick - or - treat.
I am a K-State football player.I think Judd has the best costume today he is a ninja with red eyes.We are going to have a party at school today.We are also having a treasure hunt.Some of are family are going around Soldier [our town] to go trick or treat.I like to get hersheys.I like Halloween because I get to dress up.
I dressed up like a punckrocker for Halloween.
I think Wyatt has the best costume,he is a dead bicker for Halloween.
We are going to go to a Nursinghome,have a treasure hunt,then we will have a Halloween party! We will go trick-or-treating when it is dark outside. My favorite treat is jollyranchors. My favorit part about Halloween is dressing up for Halloween!!!!
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