Class Schedule

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sadie's Grandparent Memory

Hunter's Grandparents Memory

Corbin's Grandparents Memory

Ian's Grandparents Memory

Brantley's Grandparent Memory

Carter's Grandparent Memory

Daniel's Grandparent Memory

Kenzie's Grandparent Memory

Annie's Grandparents Memory

Jason's Grandparent Memory

Justus' Grandparents Memory

Curtis' Grandparent Memory

Campbell's Grandparents Memory

Kaden's Grandparents Memory

Reece's Grandparents Memory

Football Players Advice

JH Cobra football players paid a visit to the elementary classrooms on Friday to talk to students about making good choices.  Our class had the priviledge of having Adam Amon, Tim Rupnicki and Dustin Davis visit us.  They surprised the students when they handed out individual football trading cards to the students.  This was a very meaningful experience for all involved.  Take a moment and read the thoughts of the 3rd graders and what they learned from their peers.